Valley® Irrigation has launched a platform that helps growers manage, control, and share data analytics between connected devices. Valley 365® is a cloud-based, single sign-on platform for connected crop management that brings together the best features of existing Valley technology, such as AgSense®, Valley Scheduling™, Valley Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI), and Valley Insights™, into a single easy-to-use interface. Community

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Topics: Irrigation Technology
Reduce Risk and Maximize Yields with Irrigation Scheduling
For generations, conscientious farmers have been practicing the manual method of soil moisture monitoring based on how the soil "feels". If it feels too dry, irrigate; if it feels too wet, wait a couple days. This classic method can be effective with proper training and experience; however, it's very cumbersome and time-consuming.
With new advances in technology, farmers no longer need to guess when and how much to water, nor visit the field to find out. Valley® Irrigation has an irrigation scheduling and soil-moisture monitoring tool called Valley SchedulingTM that reduces guesswork and provides easy-to-understand irrigation recommendations based on field-proven science.
Topics: Irrigation Technology
Below Ground Center Pivot Guidance Solution
Are you looking for additional guidance options for your corner arm or linear machine? Below ground guidance is a popular and time-tested guidance option that has been used in fields since the 1970s. If GPS guidance isn't an option for your operation, below ground guidance may be the perfect solution.
Topics: Machine Structure
How to Track Irrigation Run Time
Are you looking for a way to keep track of the pivots on your farm? The Valley® Irrigation Run Time™ mobile application is a free, new resource that calculates pivot cycles and helps you track run time. With the full mobility of a smartphone or tablet, you can add notes on each machine for access any time, anywhere, no matter what brand of pivot you use.
Topics: Irrigation Technology
Celebrate Smart Irrigation Month
July is Smart Irrigation Month! This initiative from the Irrigation Association is used to promote the social, economic, and environmental benefits of efficient irrigation technologies in landscape, turf, and agricultural irrigation. Optimizing water resources is an extremely important part of irrigation.
Topics: Water Application
We can learn a lot from our fields. Working with an agronomist is the best way to learn about your soil and crop conditions, and how you can produce the best yields. Here are a few quick tips that you can use to avoid common soil problems, and make your mechanized irrigation more effective.
Topics: Water Application
4 Irrigation Companies that can Help Your Farm
Now more than ever, there is a wide range of products available to assist you with your farm operations. Having so many options, and knowing where to start, can be a difficult process. To help you get started, the team created this list of companies that you need to check out!
Topics: Water Application
Our friends at Valley® Irrigation have a revolutionary new way to control your center pivot. Through the Valley ICON10™ and ICON1™ smart panels equipped with Valley ICON WiFi Access, and their Valley ICON Mobile App, you can access and control your panel remotely through your connected mobile device.
Because Valley is committed to continuous improvement, the Valley ICON mobile app release 2.0 (available for Apple and Android devices) provides growers with the functionality to configure multiple Valley ICON panel devices to a single wifi network. Growers will also gain more flexibility with farm networking and will be able to opt one-to-one or one-to-many device configuration when setting up and connecting to devices.
Topics: Control Panels
Sugar Beet Irrigation Management
In 2014, there were 270 million metric tons of sugar beets produced worldwide according to FAOSTAT. From sugar beet pulp used for livestock feed to table sugar used for human consumption, sugar beets are an extremely important crop.
Topics: Agriculture
Over 65% of potato production is for human consumption according to the International Potato Center. Potatoes are also the world’s fourth-largest food crop, following maize, wheat, and rice.
Topics: Agriculture